Recent History of the Grand Duchy of Navaza
A first precedent in relation to the recent history of Navaza is the fact that since 1968 Colombia had established diplomatic relations with Jamaica and from 1974 the Colombian Foreign Ministry had to give instructions to the Embassy in Kingston to promote a negotiation with a view to the delimitation of marine and underwater areas between the two states without progressing significantly until 1993.
It is important to consider that until the latter that year, despite having been in charge of the foreign portfolio since 1974, eight Foreign Ministers, several of them experts in international law, had not been able to advance in that purpose due to the difficulty in determining exactly to where the national territory extended in that part of the Caribbean, precisely because of the doubts about the sovereignty rights that belonged to Colombia inherited from Spain by effect of the public international law mechanism of the Succession of States.
Notwithstanding that, the President of the Republic Cesar Gaviria Trujillo appointed Messrs. Andelfo García González, Julio Londoño Paredes and Mauricio Vargas Taylor to carry out negotiations on behalf of the Colombian government to establish the delimitation of marine and underwater areas with the Government of Jamaica, which results in the signing of the Maritime Delimitation Treaty between the Republic of Colombia and Jamaica, in Kingston on November 12, 1993.
In said negotiation, the aforementioned commission did not even carry out a study, nor did it have any support to address the issue regarding the eastern sector of that delimitation, precisely the sector where the Island of Navaza is located, and the negotiations, even though , in general terms, disadvantageous for Colombia, were accepted at the last minute by order of President Gaviria Trujillo, both aspects recognized by the same negotiator Julio Londoño Paredes in his book: “Colombia in the Labyrinth of the Caribbean”, especially in relation to this second fact: “I remember that in the last session, held in a hotel in Bogotá, with Andelfo García and the San Andres ambassador to Jamaica, Ricardo Vargas Taylor, we were doomed to a settlement or an imminent breakup. Almost at one o'clock I consulted the chancellor by telephone at her home. However, he told me to talk to the president. I did so at that time, President Gaviria immediately came to the phone and told me: “Go ahead!” The head of state traveled to Kingston to sign this fundamental Sanín-Robertson treaty.”[1]
In the same way, it is clear that there was deep disagreement in various sectors of society that demanded the review of the agreement because it violated national sovereignty, as the negotiator Londoño himself indicates in his book: “The detractors started from the basis that the colonial maritime jurisdiction“biana extended itself before them as far as anyone could think of, whether to the leaks of the city of Kingston or to Cuba.”[2]
It is then very clear that: 1- The commission designated by the national government to negotiate the terms of the treaty acted with complete ignorance of Colombian ancestral rights, especially those contained in Law 8, Title XV, of Book II of the Laws of Indies, originally established by Royal Decree of King Charles I of Spain (Emperor Charles V) in 1549, through which the creation of the Royal Court and Royal Chancery of Santa Fe in the New Kingdom of Granada was established; 2- The terms of the treaty were agreed upon behind the country's back and were forced to be accepted, even though they were disadvantageous for the nation, by the President of Colombia himself, the reasons are hardly obvious; 3- Both the negotiating commission and the government itself were fully aware of the objections that already existed in various political, academic, military and Foreign Ministry sectors, which considered that Colombia's sovereign rights even reached the limits with Cuba, for Therefore, the claim about Navaza is neither new, nor was it unknown then.
A second precedent is the fact that Colombia signed the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (the Convention or UNCLOS) on December 10, 1982, however such international agreement to date has not been ratified by this country. , said instrument came into force on Nov. 16 of 1994 and it was expected that once this last event occurred, they would act accordingly, that is, ratifying it, which in fact did not happen.
By not ratifying the aforementioned Convention, any possibility of being, at least, reviewed the content of the Maritime Delimitation Treaty between the Republic of Colombia and Jamaica, signed in Kingston on November 12, 1993. It is considered the most important of the reasons why in Colombia the decision has not been made whether or not to ratify said Convention, the lack of resolution of the State to do so, therefore the apathy of the national state entity has been the first factor that has prevented rectifying the error of having established the borders with Jamaica under these conditions.
In addition to the above, several other circumstances were added that dissuaded the initiation of any type of action in order to recover the territory of the Island of Navaza, one of them was the possession as Secretary General of the Organization of American States by the former Colombian president Cesar Gaviria Trujillo on September 15, 1994, who held said position until September 15, 2004 and under whose mandate the Treaty between Colombia and Jamaica was signed as noted above.
In this regard, it should be noted that since 1932, Colombia recognized the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice, presenting a reservation in 1937. Likewise, in 1948 he signed the Pact of Bogotá, which allowed the members of the OAS to go to said international court in case of disputes between them in an ipso facto and mandatory manner, from which a certain degree of incidence of that can be inferred. multinational organization before the aforementioned court.
Another collateral element to take into account was the execution by the United States of Operation “Uphold Democracy” (Operation Defend Democracy) a military operation in Haiti, carried out from the September 19th of 1994 until the March 31st of 1995, whose objective was to restore democracy by eliminating the military regime de facto, to return the previously elected President Jean Bertrand Aristide to power. The armed presence of the United States was replaced by the United Nations Stabilization Mission for Haiti (MINUSTAH), which after its withdrawal in 2017 led to a further escalation of regional destabilization, which persists until now.
Notwithstanding everything already mentioned, an event that occurred in the United States generated deep indignation that added to the already existing discontent generated by the signing of the Colombia-Jamaica Treaty, which was the angry claim of ownership over the Island of Navaza by a North American citizen to the government of that country; It was Mr. William “Bill” A. Warren, an eccentric adventurer who owns a submarine salvage company based in California and who claims to also be an actor and singer with a failed political career.
On July 16, 1996, Warren requested permission from the Coast Guard to land on Navaza Island to film a documentary, which was granted on September 11, 1996. The next day, this subject sent a letter with "notice of his discovery, occupation and possession of the island of Navaza", stating that the Coast Guard had abandoned the island and requested that the State Department certify that claim about an alleged discovery to appropriate it based on the Guano Act.
On January 7, 1997, the State Department sent a provisional response to Warren, indicating that the island of Navaza was already under the jurisdiction of the United States and that the matter had been taken into consideration. However, on January 16, 1997, the Secretary of the Interior issued Order No. 3205, placing the island of Navaza under civil administration of the Director of the Office of Insular Affairs. Said Order was later replaced by the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the US Office of Insular Affairs and the Fish and Wildlife Service (Fish and Wildlife Service) on April 22, 1999, by virtue of which the latter entity would manage Navaza Island as a National Wildlife Refuge.
On February 13, 1997, Warren personally filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court, for the Southern District of California, seeking an injunction against an alleged sale of Navaza Island. "full title of the island, buildings and guano". (Warren v. United States, Civ. No. 97-242-B, SD Cal. February 13, 1997), which transferred the case to the Court of the District of Columbia. (Warren v. United States, Civ. No. 97-242-B, SD Cal. October 9, 1997).
On August 22, 1998, Warren obtained a document of sale and transfer of the rights to Navaza Island, signed by Messrs. Gerarld R. Partnode, Jr., and Mary June Partnode, who stated that they were direct descendants of James A. Woodward. of Baltimore, Maryland, one of the three owners of the Navassa Phosphate Company in 1901.
On September 17, 1998, Warren filed a third amendment to her lawsuit, adding claims based on an unconstitutional taking of her property rights and violations of the Administrative Procedure Act, in addition to requesting sanctions against three members of Congress and to the President of the United States for not adequately representing his interests. (Warren v. United States, Civ. No. 97-2415).
On November 25, 1998, the United States filed a motion to dismiss the complaint and its addendums, arguing that the District Court lacked subject matter jurisdiction over Warren's claims and that, alternatively, a summary judgment should be pursued. Warren in turn moved a motion to file a fourth amendment, which the District Court granted, raising four claims based entirely on the company's rights purchase document. The first two claims required a declaration establishing the ownership and rights over the Island of Navaza in their favor. In the third he stated that Order No.3205, "violates the separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches as provided in the United States Constitution", and requested an injunction against the continuation of "this unconstitutional and illicit conduct". The fourth claim demanded compensation for alleged expropriations.
On February 16, 2000, the District Court held a hearing and dismissed Warren's claims for lack of jurisdiction. Additionally, it rejected the claim of ownership and the payment of any compensation, finding that the Guano Act conveyed only a revocable license, and that the President had the authority to reserve the Island of Navaza for navigation use, thus being able to revoke said license. Based on the authorization of Congress, reserve funds for the implicit expenses required for the construction of the lighthouse as well as to reserve public lands.
It is precisely as a result of the lawsuit promoted by Warren that on December 3, 1999 he United States Fish and Wildlife Service (United States Fish and Wildlife Service) assumed administrative responsibility for Navaza, declaring it as a National Wildlife Refuge known as Navassa Island National Wildlife Refuge. All of this indicated that at least it was clear to the United States government that the Guano Act was not an ideal legal instrument to legitimize possession of the island.
On the other hand, another focus of concern also emerged consisting of Haitian diplomatic and foreign policy activity, focused on ingratiating itself with the new leftist Latin American regimes and seeking to extend support to its territorial claims on the island of Navaza with the support of Havana. , since until that moment the only support obtained for the claim of that Caribbean country was obtained from the Castro government of Cuba. Both countries signed a maritime delimitation treaty on October 27, 1977 establishing the limits so that the island was considered part of Haiti, ratified by the Agreement between the Government of Jamaica and the Government of the Republic of Cuba on the delimitation of the maritime border between the two States of February 18, 1994 and which came into force on July 18, 1995, according to which no claim of the island was made by those two countries on the Island of Navaza, thus establishing the limit between both, in such a way that it begins at a point tripartite Navaza-Cuba-Jamaica as a continuation of the limit agreed by Cuba and Haiti, at 18° 49' 56' N, 75° 30' 23' W.
As a result of this diplomatic action, in 2007 Haiti joined ALBA (Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America), an economic initiative promoted by the dictators Hugo Chávez of Venezuela and Fidel Castro of Cuba, which arose in response to the FTAA, which allowed that nation to sign agreements with Petrocaribe[3] (assistance program created in 2005 by the government of Hugo Chávez in Venezuela to offer oil at a subsidized price for Caribbean countries), obtaining important resources through the Societé d'investissement Petion Bolívar, SA, supposedly aimed at financing various projects (US$3.8 billion), but apparently embezzled as a result of rampant corruption in Haiti.
The flirtations between Haiti and the Latin American socialist regimes had begun several years ago, sponsored by the Cuban government, as previously indicated, and were consolidated on September 1, 2010 with the opening of the UnasurHaití office, a branch of UNASUR, within the framework of the Work Plan agreed upon by the president of Ecuador, and pro-tempore president of the bloc, Rafael Correa and by the Secretary General, Nestor Kirchner.
Haiti's level of connivance and commitment to Venezuelan politics reached the point of designating a park in Port-au-Prince as “Place Hugo Chávez” and rename the Cap-Haitien International Airport with the name of that president.
A first attempt to denounce the harmful content of the Colombia-Jamaica Treaty, fundamentally with regard to the Island of Navaza, occurred at the end of August 1995 when a group of people quite familiar with this situation and who were part of the critical voices against signing of the agreement, they held a meeting with a former opposition presidential candidate of the last governments to inform him of those events and who promised to study the case and make it known to public opinion in due course. Unfortunately, that illustrious Colombian was murdered, a few months later, precisely because of his sharp criticism of the government in power, leaving the issue in suspense.
Years later and, given the events described above and the fact that the Colombian government in 2002 appointed Mrs. Nohemí Sanín as Ambassador to Spain, who at the time was the Minister of Foreign Affairs who signed the Treaty between Colombia and Jamaica, A group of Colombian citizens restarted a series of meetings to formulate possible solutions to recover the sovereignty lost on the Island of Navaza and its surrounding sea due to the effects of that harmful treaty, however the shadow of the then Secretary General of the OAS still persisted, for It was therefore agreed to postpone any action until he ceased his duties as head of the multilateral organization on September 15, 2004.
Once this period had elapsed, conversations within this group were resumed in October 2004, of which only a little less than half of the original group from 1995 remained, but reinforced by new members. This new group, among whom were a diversity of people linked to various sectors: academics, businessmen, former soldiers, politicians and journalists, among others, agreed to carry out activities aimed at disseminating the truth behind the Jamaica Colombia Treaty, specifically the abandonment by of the Colombian State of the Island of Navaza. An Executive Committee was then appointed to begin dissemination and proselytizing work aimed at promoting the review of that agreement, however this task was cut short before it began, with the expedition on December 28 of that year of the Legislative Act No. 02 of 2004, according to which Article 197 of the Political Constitution of Colombia was modified, which introduced the figure of immediate presidential re-election in this country, a circumstance that without a doubt disrupted any attempt through legal or administrative means to request the review of the content of the international agreement due to lack of guarantees, a fact that would be subsequently verified with the ratification of Mrs. Nohemí Sanín as Ambassador to Spain and her subsequent appointment as Ambassador to the United Kingdom in 2007 until her departure in 2009. to aspire to the Presidency of the Republic.
Faced with such a gloomy panorama, in February 2005, a novel idea emerged at the head of the Grand Priory of the Republic of Colombia of the Sovereign and Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem, some of whose members were already part of the aforementioned group, consisting of directly exercising the national sovereignty, based on Article 3 of the Political Constitution, on behalf of the People of Colombia, confirming that sovereign condition over the Island of Navaza, declare its independence and constitute a new State, a proposal that was unanimously acclaimed and delegated to this entity to carry out the necessary procedures for its execution, given its character as an institution of recognized suitability and historical track record with international links.
For the development of the proposed purpose, an agenda called “Operation for the Recovery of Sovereignty of the Island of Navaza – ORSINA” consisting of drafting the necessary documents to express the popular will of the participants, configuring the appropriate instruments to publicize that will, structuring the institutions necessary for the materialization of that intention and finally implementing the mechanisms to implement the future state entity.
In compliance with the aforementioned agenda, the "TO“Act of confirmation of the Sovereignty of the People of Colombia over the Island of Navaza and declaration of independence for the constitution of the State of Navaza”, which was approved and signed on October 12, 2005 by a significant number of Colombian citizens. Its publication was made through the website: http://navazagov.blogspot.com/2005/09/se-declara-la-independencia-y.html
The actions taken to support the claim up to that point coincided with the publication of the degree monograph: “The unknown sovereignty of Colombia in the Caribbean”, by Lawyer José Vicente Sánchez Barrera, approved by the Universidad del Rosario in 2005, with which the thesis that the Island of Navaza was part of the Colombian national territory was ratified from an academic perspective of Public International Law.
Based on such important elements, we proceeded to carry out a registry of founders of the Navajo nation on November 3 and establish a provisional government, which proceeded to convene a National Constituent Assembly on December 1, 2005, which was elected on January 22, 2006, and that it began to meet on the 26th of that same month and year.
Among the aspects that were the subject of debate by this Assembly, issues of complex diversity were found, among them, the system of government, regarding which there was consensus not to adopt a presidential regime typical of the rest of the Latin American countries, precisely given the evident failure in these nations to be able to fulfill their mission, generating on the contrary a deep economic and social gap as a result of the phenomena of corruption inherent to the lack of independence of public powers; On the other hand, after consulting the indices of countries with the best quality of life and human development, it was found that the first positions were occupied by nations with constitutional monarchies, which is why it was decided to choose this system of government, otherwise unique on the continent.
Within the scheme of the adopted monarchical system, in addition to the figure of the monarch, that of a Commissioned Regent was established, who would be a nobleman who would be in charge of acting as monarch as long as he was chosen or, once chosen, was absent from the seat of the government that would be the city of Bogotá, as the capital of the government in exile given the occupation of the territory of Navaza by a foreign power, which would continue to be designated according to this Magna Carta and for the purposes of official Naveca affairs with the traditional Santa Fe de Bogotá, regardless of the name adopted for this city by Colombia.
Another aspect that was widely debated consisted of the attributes of the Navajo personality and nationality, establishing that the State It determined the human person as the cause and foundation of its activity, which was organized for the search and achievement of justice, legal security and the common good, elements of an immense moral burden, an example for the world. In the same way, the natural family was established as the essential nucleus of society and the quality of nationals by birth or adoption, also allowing multiple nationalities and the age of majority at sixteen (16) years.
The National Constituent Assembly unanimously approved the text of the Political Constitution of Navaza and it was signed by the participating delegates on March 16, 2006 and was thus proclaimed the nascent State of Navaza, under the protection of the Treaty of Montevideo of 1933, which establishes the possibility of establishing states in America without the need for the recognition of any other state and only meeting the requirements of having a territory, a population and a legal organization and policy that regulates the relations of its members, in compliance with the principle of free self-determination of peoples, enshrined in the founding charter of the UN.
In compliance with the precepts of the new constitution, on March 30, 2006, a provisional government was formed with the purpose of calling free elections to establish a government, which were held on August 19, with the elected first President of Navaza.
In the same way, a legislative body consisting of a provisional National Assembly was elected and installed on July 6, 2006, for a term of eighteen months, which began to meet immediately. As a result of that legislature, several laws were approved, among them one to regulate the choice of the monarch, and which allowed on August 27, 2006 to open the merit contest to choose the sovereign of Navaza, which closed on the 30th. September 2006, the results were published on October 12, 2006, on the occasion of the first anniversary of the State of Navaza, resulting in the selection of one of the candidates as Prince of Navaza.
Said provisional National Assembly on October 13, 2006 decided to appoint as also provisional Commissioned Regent the Grand Prior of the Republic of Colombia of the OSMTJ, Don Javier Miguel Gámez Vizcaíno, who at that time accredited his noble status recognized by several European noble houses.
The initial management of the provisional Regent Commissioner consisted of obtaining the approval and approval of the constitutive process of the new monarchy, not only by the Navajo people, but also its validation by various dynastic houses, a circumstance that in turn gave rise to the signing of two treaties of acceptance and mutual recognition of the Principality of Navaza with the the Princely House of Antioch headed by HRH Dom Vasco Corrêa de Martins, Prince of Antioch and Archduke of Seleucia; the Princely and Count House of Von Aarburg und Antigonis, whose Head is the Lutheran Archbishop of Belgium, HE Bishop Frederik Burklé von Aarburg, the Royal and Imperial House of Rurikovich, headed by SARI Don Hugo Norberto Cabrera Rurikovich Kubarev (RIP), and the Princely and Ducal House of Altai, headed by HSH Don Alexander III.
Based on such agreements and recognitions, in February 2007 seven of the founding members of the nascent State were ennobled and appointed as members of the Crown Council, who subsequently acted as electors to confirm the result of the contest of merits chosen by the monarch. as well as the ratification of the Regent Commissioner, all in strict compliance with the content of Article 23 of the Political Constitution of Navaza.
A historical milestone was the recognition of Navarrese nationality to more than a hundred Colombian citizens, as well as the first foreign citizen naturalized in Navaza, the Peruvian psychiatrist Dr. Kris Maikol Rey Sánchez, who was appointed as first Minister of State and is currently He serves as Head of Diplomatic Mission in Lima (Peru).
For reasons of a personal nature, the President of the Nation resigned on February 22 of that year, generating the first institutional crisis of the new nation, which is why new elections must be called.
On April 3, 2007, the first political party was created, the National Party of Navaza. On April 21 of that year, new presidential elections took place, which gave the winner to a character who, for reasons that will be reported later, will simply be mentioned here by the pseudonym adopted by him: “Jafuda of Abraham” or simply “HA”.
The enthronement of the first monarch will take place on June 17, 2007, who adopts Ezio I as his royal name, and who will not only ratify the titles previously granted but will also expand the nobility list by a dozen more people, distinguished by their services to the State of Navarra.
Given that the term scheduled for the functioning of the provisional National Assembly ended on January 6, 2008, it was necessary to call new elections for this collegiate body on November 14, 2007, where the National Party of Navaza would manage to impose a number significant number of Deputies attached to their faction, however this will not be a circumstance of unity, on the contrary a bitter dispute began within that community to obtain the directive positions of said legislative body.
Taking advantage of this circumstance and every time the impossibility of obtaining these positions through democratic means was perceived, the Deputies, candidates of the President of the Nation and the ministers of Defense and National Security and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Affairs, chose the first of these not to install the National Assembly on January 7 of that year, thus breaking with the legality and constitutionality of the State, in response to which the Regent Commissioner demands immediate compliance with said precepts without the president proceeding in this regard, but rather On the contrary, it determines a postponement of the installation of that camera for one hundred and twenty days later, that is, until May 6, 2008, arguing lack of guarantees, all in the interest of being able to politically recompose the situation.
In parallel with what was happening, in the month of March 2008, the then Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Affairs, whom we will simply point out, also for security reasons, Mr. “Equus”, then decides to promote a coup d'état, in collusion with the Minister of Defense and National Security and the Commanders of the Armed Forces, which would be carried out before the installation of the National Assembly, if they do not achieve the control of it. Such a protective plan had the complacency and consent of the President of the Nation and sought to impose de facto a regime geared towards his own interests.
However, the rapid action of the National Intelligence Service revealed, since the end of April 2008, the plans in progress by the head of the Defense portfolio to attack the headquarters of the government to prevent the National Assembly from meeting and, in advance, Due to the circumstances, the Head of State by Princely Decree of May 6, 2008 declares the State of internal alteration in accordance with Article 43, literal b) of the Political Constitution and orders the immediate removal of that minister from office and the beginning of investigations. corresponding, which little by little are revealing the participation of each and every one of those involved. On May 12, a new Princely Decree is issued ordering the departure of the Chancellor and the commanders related to the coup.
During the following months and following the course of the investigation, it was established that the aborted revolt had been orchestrated at the request of those involved in a secret society dedicated to dark rituals in the city of Barranquilla (Colombia) and had the purpose of seizing power. political to revoke the Regent Commissioner, installing a totalitarian government and forcing the monarch to act as a puppet of that clique, who, feeling discovered and in order to avoid facing a trial for treason and crimes of lèse majeste, opted entirely for present their respective irrevocable resignations on September 29, 2008.
Once this institutional crisis has been overcome, the Prince of Navaza appoints the Commissioner Regent as President (E) of the Nation, while new elections are held to fill the position. The new president constitutes, through Presidential Decree No. 002 of March 25, 2009, a new cabinet, stabilizing the situation and arranging the call for elections to select the Head of Government, which had to be postponed because he died on June 9. the father of the monarch and national mourning was declared.
Among the criteria for the selection of the Prince of Navaza, the contest of merits, held three years earlier, had established the subscription by the interested parties of a letter of presentation in which the aspirants to the throne had to commit to granting a dowry to the State of Navaza, destined for the acquisition or construction of a seat of government in the capital in exile within six months following his enthronement, abdicating immediately in the event of non-compliance without the right to designate a successor, a document that he signed. the monarch Don Ezio Iº, on September 5, 2006, however, twenty-five months after his rise to power, he had not complied with that commitment, which resulted in the Ministry of Economy and Productivity requiring him to update the agreed payment, a circumstance that led to a serious situation between the Head of State and the Head of Government on February 13, 14 and 15, 2010 and which was resolved with a new commitment on the part of the monarch signed with his signature and authenticated before a Notary Public in Alessandria (Italy) to pay a sum equivalent to 25,000 euros for this purpose no later than September 30, 2010.
Once this new term expired without effective compliance, a process was carried out to decide on this situation and when the public powers of Navaza met on October 6, 2010, they decided to accept the abdication proposed by Mr. Ezio Scaglione, designate as Head of State the Commissioner Regent and a President in charge until new elections are held, which will be held on March 19, 2011, the legislative elections, and the presidential elections on May 14 of that year.
The new president, Mr. Fernando Ojeda Orejarena, who had previously served as President of the National Court, took office on July 18, 2011, the 508th anniversary of the discovery of Navaza by Diego de Méndez and Bartolomeo Fieschi. On this same date, the National Assembly was installed and Mr. Walter Hernández Mejía was elected President of the same, who, in turn, had served as Head of the Diplomatic Mission in the Federative Republic of Brazil. From this date, Navaza happily finds its stability and institutional harmony to this day.
It is especially worth highlighting the work, commitment and dedication of two illustrious Navaçenses of Argentine origin, Don Miguel Angel Pesce (RIP), who was Honorary Consul of Navaza in Buenos Aires and Dean of the Faculty of Social, Political and Cultural Sciences of the Polytechnic and Humanistic University of Navaza and under whose management the Bachelor's Degree in Social Ceremonial and Civil and Business Protocol began (2008), and Mr. Gustavo Taricco Calvo, who served first as Head of the Diplomatic Mission in the Argentine Republic and then as Minister of the Chancellery. and Foreign Affairs and under whose direct management the minting and first issuance of the national currency, the Navacense Shield (2013), was obtained, in the same way that a vineyard of its property, located in the province of Córdoba (Arg.) was produced an excellent Bonarda-type varietal wine called “Principality of Navaza”, which obtained important international recognition (2015).
Likewise, two great Navajo patriots deserve special mention, Don Cesar Armando Vergara Martínez, who from his position as Head of the Diplomatic Mission in the United States has been the greatest disseminator and bulwark of the Navajo cause in that nation, and Don Edgardo Edmundo Bassi Burgos, former Minister of Infrastructure and Communications and former President of the Crown Council, whose loyalty to constitutionality and legality have been an irreducible bastion against the enemies of the nation.
In 2016, the President of the Nation was re-elected and whose main objective will be to convene a new National Constituent Assembly to review and reform the Political Constitution, especially with regard to the form and character of the monarchy in whose head lies the Head of the Nation. State, since the figure of the Commissioner Regency could not continue indefinitely in the definitive absence of a monarch, which is why this Assembly was convened on May 26, 2018, the one elected on July 7 begins to meet on August 18 of that year.
This first constitutional reform is approved and signed by the delegates on October 27, 2018, establishing that the State will go from being a Principality to a Grand Duchy, in consideration of several factors: the first is to establish a distinctive mark with the past to leave behind the turbulent times of the then recent State with a much more mature and structured present; the second, consisting of the fact that a Grand Duchy is a territory whose head of state He is a monarch who holds the title of Grand Duke or Grand Duchess and that title had precisely been conferred on the Regent Commissioner since his assumption of the head of state on October 6, 2010; the third because the grand duchies have traditionally been independent monarchical entities and finally because the representatives of the Noble Houses that serve as High Protectors hold the quality of Princes, thus making it more logical for them to recognize a monarchical entity of a different entity and not one. equivalent to these.
Once this modification was made, according to which the figure of the Commissioner Regency also disappeared, the Peers of the Crown will confirm and proclaim on this same date as Monarch and Head of State Mr. Javier Miguel Gámez Vizcaíno as Grand Duke of Navaza.
After this event and considering his mission accomplished and to allow this work of political and administrative reengineering to have a new look, the President of the Nation, Mr. Fernando Ojeda Orejarena, voluntarily decided to resign from his position, thus putting an end to so many years in the service of the Navajo homeland and who retires amidst the cheers and congratulations of his people for his magnanimous work of government.
On November 2, 2019, in a special ceremony officiated by Monsignor Santiago Miranda Talero, The Grand Duke of Navaza was enthroned, who adopted Miguel I as his royal name, becoming the second monarch of this country. On that same occasion, the new President of the Navajo Nation took office.
[1] LONDOÑO PAREDES Julio, “Colombia in the Labyrinth of the Caribbean.” Editorial Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá 2015, Pages 291 to 294.
[2] Ibidem, p. 296.
[3] The PETROCARIBE Energy Cooperation Agreement was formally established on June 29, 2005, through the legal and institutional instrument signed within the framework of the I Energy Meeting of Heads of State and Government of the Caribbean on PETROCARIBE, held in Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela.