History of the Grand Ducal House

The Grand Ducal House of Navaza finds its origin in the constitutional reform of October 27, 2018, which modified the Political Constitution of the Grand Duchy of Navaza, establishing in its Article 23 that:

“The Head of State will be exercised by a Monarch, at the head of the official, legal, name and arms head of the Noble and Sovereign House of Navaza, invested with the irrevocable prerogatives proper to the Ius Majestatis, the Fons Honorum, the Ius Solii, of the Ius Disponendi and of the Iure Fidei, with full independence for all purposes of international and comparative nobility law to which the title of “Grand Duke of Navaza” is conferred.


Based on said norm, the National Constituent Assembly that issued that provision, on that same date decided to designate HE Mr. JAVIER MIGUEL GAMEZ VIZCAINO as Head of State and Monarch, who had been serving since the founding of the Sovereign State of Navaza as Commissioner Regent. , given his high personal, professional and moral qualities, his hard work and commitment to the Navacense nation and his excellent noble ancestor, as we will see.

On November 2, 2019, in a solemn mass officiated by the Primate of Navaza, Monsignor SANTIAGO MIRANDA TALERO (RIP), the designated one, was anointed as the new monarch, who after the Proclamation made by the Council of the Crown was enthroned and received the royal elements and symbols (mantle, scepter, orb and crown) adopting “nomen regium” that of MIGUEL Iº and establishing from that moment the “Domus Magni Ducalis Navazae”, which was immediately recognized by several European noble houses, among which the Princely House of Antioch, headed by SAS Don Vasco Correa de Martins, and the Count and Princely House of Von Aarburg, headed by SAE Don Frederick Burcklé Von Aarburg, stand out. .

It should be noted that the designation of the Grand Duke has been ratified with his signature in the Act of Proclamation of the Grand Duke by the vast majority of Navacian nationals, which gives a good account of the broad popular support for both the monarchical system and its legitimate monarch.

The Grand Ducal House of Navarra, headed by the Grand Duke Don Miguel I, descends, through its European ancestry, from a cadet branch of the most illustrious, famous, ancient and noble House of Gorraíz Beaumont of Navarra (Illustrissimi, inclita, antiquissima et nobilissima Domus Gorraiz Beaumont Navarrae), whose origin dates back to the first millennium, coming from the imperial houses of Constantinople (dynasties Monomachus, Ducas, Angelo, Comnenus, Lascaris) and the Holy Roman Empire (Habsburg dynasty), and of the royal houses of Castile, Aragon, León, and, of course, Navarra, in addition to those of France (Capetian and Valois dynasties), England (Plantagenet dynasty), kyiv (Rurikovich dynasty), Poland (Piast dynasty), Hungary (Arpad dynasty), Sweden (Munsö dynasty), Italy (Savoy dynasties, and Naples and Sicily) and from Jerusalem (Boulogne dynasty), being a direct descendant in the 19th degree of King Charles III of Navarra, which is perfectly documented by historical texts and baptismal certificates.

From this portentous family root arises the Gorraíz – Iregui – Gámez lineage, which, with the passage of time, will also be nourished, by crossing, with other important noble seeds, such as the noble House of Count Galiani of Genoese origin (Nobilis Domus Galliani Genuensis) and the noble Ducal House Gaetani of Tuscany (Nobilis Domus Gaetanide Tusciae), as well as others, among which the county houses of Liñan (Aragonese) and Franco (Castilian) and the Baronal Von Reise Zwickau, from Saxony, stand out.

Through his American ancestor, Don Miguel I, he is also descended, on the one hand, in the 13th degree, from the Psihipqua (Cacique) of Queca, Don Lorenzo Guaque, and from his daughter Ana, married to the Spanish Captain Alonso Martín, a fact that appears recorded in the Folio of Dowries and Testaments (1632), and on the other, in the 7th degree of the Zhybyntybá (Captain) of the part of Sáname, Don Antonio Vizcaíno, who appears related to the visit to the towns of Fosca and Cáqueza carried out by the Oidor of the Royal Court of Santa Fe (today the Republic of Colombia), Don Joaquín de Aróstegui y Escoto on February 4, 1759. Both aboriginal chiefs members of the Guehipas tribe, belonging to the Muiskubcun, or Muisca, people. It should be noted that by Royal Provision of March 12, 1697 of HM King Don Carlos II of Spain, it was explicitly recognized that the Caciques of the Indies had the same privileges as the "noble sons of Castile"[1], therefore equally holders of that exalted position.

In the same way, our monarch proceeds from illustrious conquerors, encomenderos, aldermen and first settlers of the current Colombian nation, especially from the province of Vélez (Santander), who by grace of the Royal Decree dictated by King Don Felipe II of Spain in the Forest of Segovia on July 13, 1573, which established the Fuero de Indias, they were granted the status of

[1]  Cited in Larios Martin, Jesús: «Hidalguías e hidalgos de Indias», I Italian-Spanish Congress of Municipal History and the Assembly of the Association of Hidalgos, Madrid, Hidalguía, 1958, pp. 208-211.